Begin: Ink & Press Co.


Mikyla stumbled upon her love for designing wedding invitations… or maybe it was designing wedding invitations stumbled upon Mikyla. After studying art and design in different forms, Mikyla didn't feel a calling to pursue art through this avenue. Until her wedding. She designed her own invitations and truly fell in love with the process and wedding industry. 9 months of a crazy little ride later, she is all in and running full steam ahead!

Describe the first time you had this 'begin' moment. 

Alright truth be told - I was roommates with Rachael of Rachael Ellen Events at the time. We had been friends for a while and I had helped her with weddings and styled shoots in the past. I was very familiar with the wedding industry but thought it wasn't for me. While planning my own wedding I had a hard time finding a stationer that I felt truly encompassed what I was looking for. So, I thought to myself - "I know how to use Illustrator, I'll just do it myself!" I had almost too much fun designing my invitation suite, picking out the envelope, liner, vintage stamps, etc. I've always been a paper nerd so looking at envelope color options for hours on end was my idea of a fun time!

Once my invitations were pressed and delivered I seriously felt so sad that part of my wedding planning was done! I showed Rachael and she was very complimentary of how the suite came together. In that moment I don't know what came over me but I blurted out to her "I am starting an invitation design business and it's going to be named Ink & Press Co." It honestly came out of nowhere! We both laugh about it to this day haha. Even though it seemed so random, it was so instinctive and almost felt like my creative heart finally found it's voice and could not be silenced! 


What did this moment change for you?

I've honestly never felt more true to myself as I have pursuing this business! As I mentioned I've studied art in many different forms - as a classically trained ballerina, art history minor, film photography, etc. Even though I love all art, stationery is my creative niche. Finally finding this business has really helped me express my creative voice in a way I never have before. 


How did you balance all that you were experiencing in life when you began?

I was still engaged and working full-time when I started Ink & Press Co.! A lot of people thought I was crazy for starting a business at such a hectic time of life. But I think it was the best possible thing I could have done. I dove in head first and didn't even have time to look back. Life was definitely not balanced for a while there but I've learned how to manage and balance it all now. I think that just takes time. 


What has it looked like on your journey from your beginning moment to now?

There have definitely been ups and downs on this journey. But, I think I have really grown over the past 9 months. I try to not be too hard on myself and remind myself I am still in my first official year. 

Amidst feeling excited, what was difficult as you began?

As many creatives do, I have really struggled with the feeling of my work not being good enough. I've learned during these times to give myself grace and even celebrate this feeling. Many incredible artists, like Picasso, rarely feel satisfied with their work. But it is this feeling that enabled them to push creative boundaries. This feeling can either aid you in giving up or push you to excel - I made a choice to always let it do the later. 


Do you still have the 'beginning' feelings? What do you notice brings them on?

Definitely! I think no matter what stage of our creative endeavors we will always experience that feeling! There are always going to be "firsts" for us even down the road - first time being published in a big time magazine, first time working with an international client, etc. 


Is there any piece of advice you could give to someone who has just begun?

DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Really just don't do it. Because we both know you will always have that creative itch. So when you give up on "plan A" you're just going to start something new in two months. But when that gets hard you'll quit that and continue the cycle. And all along you could have been working and progressing at plan A getting even better! So give yourself grace and stick with it. You will get better, everyone starts as a beginner so just don't compare!


Extra Tidbits

Creative projects | I love to paint. I am terrible at it but it is so freeing and therapeutic. 

Creative Field Trips | I find a lot of inspiration from art and dance. Whenever I am needing a creative inspiration boost I head to the museum or book tickets to the ballet! The way painters use colors and the way dancers move just give me the creative feels.

Music that resonates | Okay so no judgements but the first two verses of "Ten Thousand Hours" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis will forever make me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. I can't help but feel so empowered when I listen to the lyrics. It's my creative pump up jam, haha.



Stationary by Ink & Press Co. | Photographs by Kate Ignatowski Photo & As Ever Photography | Backdrops by Locust Collection