Chapter One: Begin


Photographs by Anna Peters

Photographs by Anna Peters

It feels like dancing.

When I was a junior in high school I decided to try out for our Poms-Dance team. I had been involved in many different high school teams during the previous three years, but this felt different to me. I was not sure why, but I learned.

I loved music. I loved music- all kinds. I would often sit on iTunes finding bands then looking through the 'similar artists' section to find more. I could scroll for hours. Music moved my soul, and still does. I wanted to take it a step further and learn how dance could move me physically through the moving of my soul... or not.

It was hard. The stretching beforehand about did me in because I was not flexible whatsoever. However, when we performed our first hip hop routine – I was smitten. It didn't matter if I tripped over my feet, looked awkward, or fell during practice. I felt it easily. I was going to give my all to continue to experience that feeling. It was the feeling of being able to express my inner feelings through music and movement. I could communicate. That meant something to me.

As I said, it was hard, so the communication did not flow easily at the beginning. I felt awkward. I injured myself often- the stretching, the physicality, the falling. The words just were not coming out the way that I wanted them to. They did not look the way I wanted, they did not feel the way I wanted. I persevered, though. There was so much excitement for me as my body would move with a rhythm. Sometimes it was fluid and others more firm and crisp. Little by little, I noticed my words were flowing more clearly than before. There weren't as many incomplete thoughts or stuttering moments. I could visually and physically feel my progress, and that was what drove me to keep challenging myself.

When I reflect on this time in my life, I realized I have chased this sensation ever since. I have wanted to communicate in a way that feels grounded to me. I have wanted to communicate that I have confidence in knowing where I want to go and why. I have seen this in my creative journey, especially in the beginning, with all of the different avenues I have ventured through. This thrill, this sensation of allowing movement within me to translate into art.

It feels like dancing – to begin.

The decision to bravely step onto the floor.

The extending of your body that pushes you further than what you believe is capable.

The controlled inhale and exhale to center yourself while also revealing your humanity.

The movement, firm yet flowing with grace, communicating the heart and purpose.

The rapid, deep breath in and out, as you celebrate that completion of the act.

The moment that provides healing and peace.

The choice made then to continue, to move forward, to try again, to challenge yourself- to pursue what is within your soul.



Photographs by Anna Peters Photography | Ballet Dancer Amanda Morgan