Begin: Stay Co

“Okay, so it is all kind of something I do not share a lot, but should,” she began. Erica has two kids, and each postpartum journey brought a unique challenge. After her first, she started experiencing a disorder called Panic Disorder in addition to the general anxiety she always had from her youth. It was nothing like the anxiety she had experienced before. This was life threatening, crushing, and made it near impossible to live a normal life. After her second, she went through the darkest time in her life. Darkest. Through a lot of suffering, Erica realized that one of the biggest factors was that she didn’t have anything that was hers anymore. Truly hers. Everything in her life was shared- including her bathroom time. She always had this desire to style, but through event planning. “I only ever had a personal account and had only planned for friends and family.” She decided to start coming up with a name. Something that was separate. Something that was completely hers.

Describe the first time you had this 'begin' moment.

I had a few friends that were in the industry who knew of my desires to make my business and were completely supportive. Annie of Annie Cakes was one of them and she was going to be involved in a styled shoot for a dress designer's dress show. She gave them my name to do the styling, and they asked me to do it. At this time, I had no separate account or anything really. I just had the desire and finally had my company name. We had to make little favors for the brides that came, so I remember making up a little logo that said, "just stay." I printed it on some pretty paper and wrapped it around wax candles. That was as much of a business design as I had. Chantel Marie, who was one of my biggest role models ever, showed up to the event to take some pictures. She took the time to come over to me and ask about the styling and take one of my "business cards." I remember being star struck by her like she was a celebrity. A few days later, I was sitting with my family playing a game, and I received the notification that Chantel Marie had just posted a picture of my work on her feed. It was at that moment that I knew I needed to make a separate account for my business if Chantel Marie was going to be tagging me in things. So I did just that. I made an account, "Stay Co" was the only handle available. I grabbed it and I made my first post.

What did this moment change for you?

This moment changed everything! Having a name and my own place for my work was a crucial adjustment. Obviously it wasn't just the account on its own. I had a pretty good idea what I wanted my work to look like and was only going to post content that showed that, however, this too evolved over time.

How did you balance all you were experiencing in life when you began?

Even though I now had my own place to grow and be my own person, I still had 2 young boys and a husband who are my number one priority. I didn't realize what a balancing act this would be, and still is. I still do not have an answer for it. I am very lucky to have a support team. My husband is very supportive about balancing his time so that I can do the things that I want to. My mom and sisters also give my boys a lot of love and support so that they don't get a lack of attention when things are crazy for me. I realized that its in my head when I think that my boys will resent me for choosing something for myself. In the end I am happier, and they get a lot of attention and love in other places.

What has it looked like on your journey from your beginning moment to now?

Oh wow, so much. I think something that has remained consistent is my aesthetic. But that being said, I feel like my aesthetic has evolved. Evolved in the way of realizing what minimal means. Realizing that I can still be intrigued by very non minimal aspects. It is just about finding a balance in things in a way that everything remains simple. I also began in a very bridal(wedding) set of mind. I thought I would be doing mostly bridal things so all of my shoots started out as bridal shoots. My business progressed into doing more branding, fashion. I didn't expect this to be the focus of my business when I started, but I am so grateful for all the areas of expertise that growing in the business has brought me. It made me find my strengths in the things that I didn't know existed and I am sure that progression and change will continue. 

Amidst feeling excited, what was difficult as you began?

The same feelings I think everyone feels at some point in the creative industry. Self doubt and a constant feeling of not being good enough. The pressure of feeling like I wasn't as good as the creatives I idolized.

Do you still have the 'beginning' feelings?

Oh for sure, and I am sure I will forever. I realized recently that they mostly come out when I haven't given myself enough of a break, when I am taking on too much and I am overwhelmed. Usually if I walk away from it for a minute and take a bath, exercise, remove myself from social media, take a nap or do something else I love I will usually be able to come back with better focus and less insecurities.

Is there any piece of advice you could give to someone who has just begun?

There are going to be a lot of ups and downs! You will probably feel like you are unsure of yourself at times. I honestly still have so many moments I am unsure of things, BUT the biggest thing I try to remember is that I need to trust myself. I have the vision and I just need to go with what is in my head even though the fear of people not understanding it or liking it comes into play. If you trust in yourself, your creativity, and vision, the outcome will be phenomenal! 

Extra Tid-Bits

Creative Projects |  Fashion & Food Art Projects

Creative Field Trips | Museums, Fashion Magazines, Met Gala, Travel, Movies, Shopping, Art



Branding and Art Direction + Styling by Stay Co

Makeup by Katie Adair Makeup | Photographs by Jessica's Photography

Cakes by Annie's Cakes | Photographs by Aubrey Taiese

Jewelry by Borcik Jewelry | Photographs by Julie Cate Photography

Brand Shoot with Carli Anna | Photographs by Chantel Marie

Monochrome Headshot Photographs by D’Arcy Benincosa